The Human Rights Reporters Ghana (HRRG), a media advocacy cum human rights non-governmental organization has expressed utter shock at a viral video which captured police officer allegedly harassing a female in a vehicle.
In a press release signed by Joseph Wemakor, it’s Executive Director, the group outrightly condemns the shameful and indispicable act of General Lance Corporal Victor Antwi Yeboah’, the police officer allegedly accused of harrasing the woman in the video while commending the police authority for swift arrest of their own upon launching preliminary investigations into the accident.
“This singular act is a further departure from the convention of citizens meted out with abuse by agents of our security apparatus with impunity which often go unpunished”, the statement said while lauding the police force for a good job done.
In adding their voice to the numerous calls by civil society organizations and the general public alike for justice to be served to the victim while the perpetrator is punished when found culpable, the group further appealed to all citizens to play their part in the fight against violations of human rights especially the state authorities by appropriately using their communication gadgets like smartphones or cameras to discreetly record and share all forms of right abuses to raise awareness and rid of miscreants in the reputable security services within the country.
Read the full statement below: