One Page Donation

Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montesmus.

HRRG needs your support to continue to reach out to the abused and marginalized.

To continue to educate and sensitize all and sundry on their rights as well as their responsibilities to help build a society that is conscious of its rights and the rights of others.

Our mission broadly is to educate the public through sensitization workshops, training and advocacy for the vulnerable majority in our country and beyond in matters relating to their fundamental human rights, violations and to support such persons to have their lives back while seeking for justice in their favour for harm that has been done to them.

This way we support the effort of other stakeholders like you towards the improvement of the plights of children, young people and women through information sharing, training, research, education and innovative early interventions; bridging the gap between theory, policy the reality and practice.

Other programs we are running include education of teenage pregnancy and tramadol abuse and their associated danger as well as how our youth can be enlightened to desist from engaging in acts that will negatively impact their lives.

Raising funding to help girls and children like head porters go back to school or learn a trade.

You will bear witness with us that in today’s society many children, girls and women suffer abuses every day from people they know/trust and sometimes from people they don’t know and it threatens their survival, development and participation in society.

It is in the recognition of these plights and threat to children, girls and women that Human Rights Reporters Ghana (HRRG) has initiated a vigorous project to educate and enlighten people of all ages on kidnapping. Teenage pregnancy and Tramadol abuse which has become a serious national issue.

Although the project has been in its pilot stage, it has taken education on kidnapping to over, 1,500 school children in some parts of Accra and when the program finally rolls out in May, it is expected to further help educate the populace across the regions.

This, we believe will help build local capacity to deal with the issue in the area of education and sensitization while the police do their part to bring the menace under control and perpetrators to book.

This implies that, we cannot achieve the collective goal of halting the kidnapping challenge facing Ghana alone without the support of the Ghana Education Service which is our key stakeholder in the fight for the rights of people in Ghana especially Children, Girls and Women

We believe working hand in hand with the Ghana Education Service on human rights issues pertaining to education at primary, secondary schools and community levels; raising awareness through public discuss, media & publication, child helplines; building the capacity of teachers, parents, CSOs, government ministries and department/law enforcement/security agencies we can make Ghana a country that is well informed about their rights, responsibilities and the rights of others to help build a culture of human rights consciousness.

Hence the campaign is to educate people on their rights, creating pioneering online counselling services and develop an interactive website which will help bring abuse to the knowledge of the law enforcement agencies like the police for action. The campaign will help support orphans and vulnerable children go back to school or learn life skills.

Protecting children and young people from abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence is central to the Human Rights Reporters Ghana (HRRG) and its activities with the kidnapping been one that is been treated with all the urgency it deserves.

The KTT project (Kidnapping, Teenage Pregnancy and Tramadol Abuse) will be launched soon after the piloting.

Imagine a generation of society without discrimination, a society that has the knowledge to prevent abuse. Your support can make it happen. With your support, we can give society the knowledge to help prevent abuse and protect a generation.


We solicit for your support and partnership in this human rights campaigns Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information  and also how you can be of help in funding our projects

No donation is small. No support is small

Education for African Children

$55 of $50,000 raised
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Donation Total: $5.00


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